About Taking The Hill
Taking the Hill PAC was founded in 2018 by former Congressman and 32nd Under Secretary of the Army Patrick Murphy. Since then, Taking the Hill has helped dozens of veteran and military family member candidates seek public office - and win.
Taking the Hill PAC is a veterans organization led and operated by veterans who are driven to affect change in elected office. From our staff to our Board of Advisors, the team at Taking the Hill has experience running for office and supporting political candidates from the local to the federal level. We use that experience to provide more than just financial support to our endorsed candidates - we use it to mentor and partner with them, to help them get across the finish line in November both victorious at the ballot box and whole in mind, body, and spirit.
In addition to direct financial assistance, we also help campaigns with cyber hygiene, staff and candidate mentorship, virtual support and social media content, and above all, an understanding ear and shoulder at any time, day or night.
The Honorable Patrick J. Murphy
The Honorable Patrick J. Murphy is America's first Iraq War veteran elected to the U.S. Congress and later served as the 32nd Under Secretary of the Army until January 2017. Secretary Murphy is currently the Distinguished Chair of Innovation at the United States Military Academy at West Point, a Senior Fellow at the Association of the U.S. Army, a media executive, and the Executive Chairman of WorkMerk, an employee engagement company focused on the future of work. He is a graduate of King’s College Army ROTC Program and the Widener University Commonwealth School of Law, where he currently serves as a Trustee. He has two young children, Maggie and Jack, and resides in Pennsylvania.
Board Chairman
Dan Kunze
Dan, an Army Officer, led fundraising for one of the most prolific fundraising candidates in Pennsylvania from 2006-2010. In the 2010 election, he led a fundraising team through hundreds of hours of call time, events, and by managing a door-knocking campaign that reached 10,000+ homes. His work in this effort helped raise $25m.
Following the 2010 election cycle, and graduation from Widener University School of Law where he attended evening classes from 2008-2011, Dan left politics to continue his Army work and move to DC to begin his corporate career. He has served as an officer for the last 12 years while maintaining a productive corporate and business career. This career has taken Dan to four of the most well-known enterprise technology companies in the world, where he has led sales, go-to-market, and business development both in commercial markets and in the Department of Defense. Dan works with c-suite executives and boards of directors to create enterprise systems and operating models that increase profitability, revenue, and operationalize outcomes. The teams and processes Dan has built have accounted for over $500m in revenue over the last 10 years.
Board Vice-Chairman
Cory Simpson
Cory Simpson is the Founder and CEO of Gray Space Strategies. He has more than twenty years of experience in government, the military, and the private sector at the intersection of national security, cybersecurity, law, and strategy. He is known globally for developing and delivering simple and eloquent solutions to the most complex and novel challenges. Sought after as an indispensable thought leader and partner, Cory works with leaders in the public and private sectors to assist them in navigating the most complex and significant challenges they and their organizations face in the area where security, technology, government, and business interests converge. Cory is an innovator, experienced advocate, and sought-after speaker and lecturer in national security, cybersecurity, and technology policy.
Board of Advisors
Dr. Paul McCullough - Jamie Fleet - Dean Thomas - Scott Eshom - Cory Simpson - Kate Babbo - Jim Mowrer - Laura Schmiegel - Terron Sims - Caleb Carr - Andrew Borene - Randy Cook - Fred Graefe - Janessa Goldbeck - Juanita Perez-Williams - Hillary O’Connor Meuri - Kevin Schmiegel - Koby Langley - Rashad Howard - Terry Rice